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2011 December minutes
Salem Council on Aging

Minutes of the Regular meetings on Wednesday, December 21, 2011, 6:33 p.m., at the Senior Center, 5 Broad St., Salem, Massachusetts.

Board of Directors
Present: Pat Donahue (PD, Chair), Elaine Heredeen (EH, Vice Chair), Dolores Nangle (DN, Treasurer), Julie Carver (JC), Alice Williams (AW), Joan Lovley (JL, City Council Liaison)
Absent: Donna Clifford (DC, Secretary), Pamela Greaves (PG)
Also Present:  Doug Bollen (DB), Bill Woolley (BW), Sharon Kearney (Secretary), Teasie Riley Goggins representing the Friends of Council on Aging, Sandy George
PD: Makes a motion to waive reading of the minutes of the meeting of Wednesday, November 16, 2011.

EH & AW: Seconds motion.
VOTE:  Unanimously approved.

PD:    Welcome to everyone and thank you to the Board and staff of the Council on Aging for a great year of service to the Salem.  Thank you to the Friends of Council on Aging for being incredibly supportive of the Council on Aging and all their initiatives. Thank you to Sandy George for all her time.  This will be a short meeting because we will be having a small social gathering after this meeting with refreshments.

DB:  Wants to thank the many groups for their great donations to seniors –

Moose Lodge for hosting a Thanksgiving dinner for seniors.

Robbie George from North Shore Carting for their contribution of poinsettias.

Ward Two Social club for their nice dinner for seniors in December.  

Connie Arlander from Collins Middle School for sending hundreds of Christmas cards that went out with the Meals on Wheels program.

Essex Masonic Lodge for their donation of thousand dollars in gift cards to market Basket.

Friends of the SCOA for their donations and support. Thank you for the new commercial coffee maker.

Ladies auxiliary from the Knights of Columbus for their recent $400 donation.  

PD:  Thank you to Joan Lovely for her support.

EH:  Any news on the Senior Center?

JL:  The Building was billed out at a prevailing wage and because federal funds are being used the cost is being shifted off to the city.  The cost may increase 10% to 15%.  The Mayor is looking into it.

DB:  I will give a double report at the January meeting on all activities, programs, and attendance from November and December 2011.

DB:  We hope to be receiving a new van in January. We have been waiting for 2 years; it’s from a federal grant.  

BW:  The two South Koreans women who are English language learners from Salem State University, worked with Dolores Nangel on a Thousand Paper Cranes project have return to their country. We currently have 338 paper cranes and are trying to get to 1000 by August 16th.

PD: We have a visitor, Teasie Riley Goggins, from the Friends of the COA. Would you like to say anything?

Teasie Riley Goggins:  Happy and Healthy Holidays to all from the Friends of the COA.

PD: Next board meeting will be on Wednesday, January 18, 2011.

PD: Makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.

DN & JC: Seconds the motion.

VOTE: Unanimously approved.

Regular meeting adjourns at 6:50 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Sharon Kearney.